These suspensions, along with such a petty cash figure, for a club that earns over £70 million on a match day hardly seems like the appropriate conclusion of such a ruthless deed. According to the FA, over 7,000 referees call it a day on an annual basis due to abuse received by players and spectators. The correct authorities should of made an example out of Drogba and Chelsea, ensuring this type of behaviour doesn’t occur again.
Instead, Chelsea should have been forced to play four home games -matches due for televised broadcast- behind closed doors, hitting the West London side where it really hurts, their pocket. Despite Drogba missing four matches, he will still be receiving earnings of over £100,000 a week, so where is the justice?
With Chelsea getting off so lightly, to say the least, you can guarantee that this type of verbal abuse will continue within the game, until the authorities grow a pair and stand up to the playground bullies of the sport.
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